Family Doctor

Family Doctor
Dr. Sabouba provides functional and conventional medicine to provide services such as annual checkup, physical exams, preventive medicine, treatment, high blood pressure screening care, illness management, and immigration exams.
The practice offers an integrative medical approach and specializes in primary care and medicine.
He offers conventional medicine techniques in addition to functional and complimentary medicine. Also offering a comprehensive practice for all your urgent, chronic, and preventive medicine needs.
Passionate about keeping patients in optimal health, using technology to foster the patient-doctor relationship in a compassionate, effective manner, and revolutionizing the delivery of real health.
Dedicated to providing quality care to each and every one of his patients with expertise in diagnosing and managing a wide variety of conditions and illnesses. He strives to educate and inform his patients about the latest innovations and advances in medical care in order to assist our patients to get back to living a healthy life or sustain their healthy habits.