X-Rays and Ultrasound

X-Rays and Ultrasound
X-Rays are the most frequently used form of medical imaging. They are used to identify fractures, dislocations, infection, arthritis, abnormal bone growth, diseases or to ascertain the presence and/or location of foreign objects.
No preparation needed. But please inform the technologist if any of the following apply:
- If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be, you may be told to postpone the x-ray.
- If you have any previous trauma or surgery to the area please let the technologist know. You may be asked if you have had previous x-rays of the region so that we can request those images to do a comparison.
A radiological technologist will bring you into the imaging area. He/she will confirm your information and ask you for a short history. Depending on the area to be examined the technologist may ask you to remove some of your clothing and to put on a gown. You will also be instructed to remove any jewelery in the region being x-rayed.
For each area being x-rayed there is a set protocol of views that we follow. Once these have been obtained and are of good diagnostic quality you will be allowed to leave. Radiological technologists do not give results. A typed report from our radiologist will be sent to your doctor.
The technologist will ask you to sit on a chair, stand, or lie on an exam table depending on the area being x-rayed. You may be asked to wear appropriate lead protection to shield radiation sensitive areas not being x-rayed. The technologist will step around a lead lined wall to take the exposure and ask you in some instances to take in a deep breath, or to stop breathing until the image is captured.